Wednesday, April 21, 2010

From Paris with Love

One said the key to enjoying this film is relaxed! Frankly, the story of From Paris With Love action is very light and delicious enjoyable if we listen with ease. For those who already expect much because duet Pieere Morel and Luc Besson are working on briliyan Taken the other day, preferably soon forget the sleeper hit film in question. From Paris With Love was not so uptight Taken, much less to fascinate the audience that is very heartened by the kidnapping plot was the daughter of Liam Nelson. If the rhythm is very irregular and increasingly Taken climb up to the ending, From Paris With Love spelled out flat. Taken near-perfect as a movie action / thriller, ultimately became the shadow of both charges for Morel, and Besson have their responsibilities.
        Their failure to make a movie of that caliber Taken culminate enough revenue sluggish American market in particular. From Paris's enough demand outside the U.S., including Indonesia, actually has a premise and the situations and conditions that are promising to be a hit better. Besson seems too rushed and too rely on John Travolta so that could become the scapegoat of his flop films. Travolta own appearance did not disappoint. With his head shaved bald head and beard, plus a dandy finery, Travolta became a savior. His character is hard, uncompromising, abrasive and honest, even a very convincing and entertaining. However Besson actors forget that strength alone is less meaningful if the text is too lightly.

       Special agents from America, Charlie Wax (Travolta), is assigned to Paris for a mission. Staff of the U.S. ambassador in Paris, James Reece (Jonathan Rhys-Meyers), seconded to accompany Charlie. James did have a desire to get involved in the mission of CIA operations or missions as well as the secret agent spy action that was never done during his tenure so staff ambassadors. Unfortunately, Charlie immediately brought James into a situation full of hard action and a full criminal firefight in the world of Paris. James even faced with a situation that was never expected, namely dealing with terrorists who are ready to threaten the important people in attendance, officials in Paris. Unfortunately again, James's fiancee, Caroline (Melissa Mars) linked to terrorist operations linked with it.

        Something is missing from Morel and Besson dramalurgi here is a more touchy touch and familiar with the public. If the mere element of romanticism character and Mars Meyers course it was still not enough. Morel and Besson is also too soon conjure Travolta as the super agent who directly controlled the Paris criminal world. Side of the action is still unreliable and for this factor, From Paris spelled still managed to spoil the audience. Travolta Action stunt fights and pretty exciting, as well as to the advantages of this film compared to other standard action. Another drawback may be addressed in chemistry Travolta and Meyers are less balanced. Travolta is too superior and Meyers was good only on individual basis.

Cast  : John Travolta, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Melissa Mars
Director : Pieere Morel
Nasakah : Luc Besson, Adi Hasak
Distrubutor : EuropaCorp
Budget  : $50 Million

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