Tuesday, April 20, 2010

14 Blades

Following the Hollywood movie industry in 2010 is often promoted slick adventure films era middle of nowhere, Hongkong and China's film score epic kind of diligent follow-up. 14 Blades become one of the titles that come to meet a long list of martial arts epic era of ancient China are booming empire in the 1980s and 1990s. But apparently the idea of the palace security guards of action this one is not original work. Adapted from one of Shaw Brothers classics The Secret of the Imperial Court (1981) or an odd title given The Police Blood of Bool by U.S. distributors.
        14 Blades now selling Donnie Yen as the leader of the Ming dynasty's secret police which must not be separated from martial actions his art. Very promising premise, where 14 sword that often brought on by Ching Lung (Yen) in a box has a different function. Eight weapons used to torture, kill and 5 again for a used one to commit suicide if it fails to perform the task. One day, the carrier is in the mandate of the emperor betrayed his own men who are now under the authority of the eunuchs and Prince Ching (Sammo Hung) who have a plan to rebel. The hunters are now turning into the hunted. Lucky El mariachi group from China was assisted agents of justice defenders plus the bandits led Judge of the Sand (Wu Chun)

        Forget about the plot is far from perfect score for this film. Donnie Yen fans would disagree that the first factor instead they wait for the story, but more than a barrage of punches, slashes and kicks Donnie's death when fighting his enemies. Problem quality plots may be placed in the nth order. Glanced at the dozens of films played by Yen, at least we can draw conclusions. If the yen appears only as a supporting actor only, then film his average sank without a positive value at all. Conversely, if the major role he holds, the action-awaited fighting which will perform a total comfort.

Cast       : Donnie Yen, Sammo Hung, Vicky Zhao, Wu Chun, Kate Tsui, Wu Ma, Chen Qi Yuwu
Director  : Daniel Lee
Script      : Daniel Lee, Abe Kwong

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